Using machine learning in healthcare: 10 real-world examples
Artificial Intelligence
15 min read

Using machine learning in healthcare: 10 real-world examples

September 28, 2022

A growing number of medical fields and specialties are adopting the use of artificial intelligence (AI) as part of their treatment plans, which is changing the face of healthcare. Using artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and deep learning (DL), healthcare stakeholders and healthcare professionals can

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Pentesting Tools: What You Need to Know and How to Use Them
7 min read

Pentesting Tools: What You Need to Know and How to Use Them

September 26, 2022

Keeping your website and other systems secure is very important if you are running a business. This can be accomplished in a number of ways, including penetration testing, which is the process of identifying vulnerabilities in your system by attacking it. I will be discussing penetration testing in this article,

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Continuous Threat Exposure Management: Using AI to Protect Organizations
Artificial Intelligence Security
9 min read

Continuous Threat Exposure Management: Using AI to Protect Organizations

September 25, 2022

Today’s business needs and attack surfaces are constantly changing, which means that traditional approaches to managing vulnerabilities can no longer keep up with the dynamically changing business needs and attack surfaces that are encompassing cloud computing, remote workers, Internet of Things, and mobile users. An ad hoc approach, a patch

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10 Tips to Boost Wi-Fi Security
7 min read

10 Tips to Boost Wi-Fi Security

September 24, 2022

The importance of cyber security extends far beyond the concerns of businesses. Especially as an increasing number of devices are being used by people and a greater amount of sensitive data is being held on their home networks, even the average consumer can become a tempting target for cybercriminals. Because

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What is AI Defect Detection and How to Apply It In Your Business
Artificial Intelligence
7 min read

What is AI Defect Detection and How to Apply It In Your Business

September 23, 2022

The idea of viewing artificial intelligence through business capabilities instead of technology is a valuable perspective for companies looking to adopt AI. As a whole, artificial intelligence has the potential to support three important business needs: automating business processes, gaining insight through data analysis, and engaging with customers and employees

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A list of the best AI chatbots
Artificial Intelligence
8 min read

A list of the best AI chatbots

September 21, 2022

Exactly what is an AI chatbot and how does it work? In artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots, natural language processing (NLP) is used to simulate conversations between a chatbot and a user. The system works through messaging applications and uses machine learning to provide a human-like experience so that it can

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The top 10 cybersecurity certifications
Security Careers
14 min read

The top 10 cybersecurity certifications

September 20, 2022

As well as having at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science, most cybersecurity professionals will also have a certification that validates their knowledge and understanding of best practices in the industry. In addition to the number of certifications available, there are dozens of vendor-specific certifications available at all levels,

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A guide to AI recruitment tools
Artificial Intelligence
11 min read

A guide to AI recruitment tools

September 19, 2022

Check out our list of the best artificial intelligence recruitment tools available today. According to official statistics, there are more than 11 million job openings in the United States alone. In addition, there are three times as many active job seekers as there are passive job seekers. That is a

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How AIOps Will Transform IT Operations
Artificial Intelligence
8 min read

How AIOps Will Transform IT Operations

September 15, 2022

IT Operations are generally a cautious bunch of people when it comes to making decisions in their organization. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is regarded as the unwritten first rule of the profession. There is a very good reason for this precaution, and that is that no one

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An engineering guide for digital products in 2022
6 min read

An engineering guide for digital products in 2022

September 15, 2022

Taking advantage of new technologies and creating brand-new products is always on the minds of entrepreneurs and business leaders as businesses grow rapidly. Having a large number of lucrative products is their primary goal in order to take over the market by offering the most lucrative products.  Despite the fact

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